Monday, December 12, 2011

True Sister

Dedicated to Jamie:

August 31, 2010

If I shed a tear, you´ll be the one to wipe it off my face,
And when you´re not here,
Things are fine but not okay.
And I know the fear that things could change is just driving you insane,
But don´t you know I´ll be holding your hand.
In your tougher times,
And everything in you plan,
I´ll be there all the time I can.

-Ana´s Cupcake Poetry Book

    Us girls refer to our best friend as our BFF, but they are truly our sisters. Since third-grade Jamie and I have always shared the same smile, that girly, artistic smile. We have the same taste in clothes, music, decorations and even… BOYS! People say you don´t realize what you´ve got until you lose it. I have always loved my BFF, but until now I have never felt the need to have a sister.

Last night I received a message on Facebook,


      I responded by logging in and immediately making a video call. We hadn´t physically seen each other in almost six months, and hadn´t Skyped in weeks. Like always, before we even said hello we apologized for how awful we looked, and gave a needless explanation. We started off with the typical topics… school, weather and boys.

     As usual, time passed by and we got to the good stuff… catching up with the gossip. Jamie can go on for hours, lecturing me about all the couples and clicks in AJM, my old school in Canada. I had told her I kept in touch with another BFF, Allison. Jamie called Alli, to have a three-way call. But it is quite hard to contact Allison, her phone is always busy… We finally made a successful call when it actually rang.

“Alli I have a surprise for you!” Jamie put her IPhone real close to the speaker.

“Hey Fleming!” All I heard was the sound of intense, earsplitting screaming.

“Ana is that actually you?” I laughed as the screaming continued.

     A good ten minutes of “miss you’s” and “love you’s” went by. Allison gave me the exact same lectures Jamie already had, but I didn´t want to interrupt her, she was way too into it. Finally, it was my turn to talk.

     I swear, they always listen to me; they probably feel like they are tight with everyone here. I begin telling them about my friends in Panama, Jamie and Allison interrupt by giving their honest opinions, like they actually have any idea about what’s going on. Even though we´re thousands of miles away they are still here, they will forever be part of my life, even if it’s just through a computer screen.

     I don´t know why she does so, but Allison always asks me for advice. She started going on about all this so-called “drama,” I honestly find it quite funny, that is hearing her intense tone. Like she does with me, I told her the honest truth, and she tried to change my opinion for a while. We have been following this routine since third grade, since we were little eight-year-olds and our biggest problems were deciding on a band name.

     After a long, long debate on her “drama,” Jamie hung up on her, she didn´t have many minutes left. If there is one word I hate is goodbye, it is the most horrible word. So instead of using it, I told Allison I would talk to her later.

     Jamie and I started discussing technology, which is quite surprising since I personally fail in the subject. We looked at our IPhones; she introduced me to some new “scanner” apps. I told her for sure I would show it to everyone at school. But, she probably doubted that I would. It was getting late, so I told her as well I would talk to her later.

     Today, Maha and Maria have been playing with that very app, and I told them the whole story of how I came about it. I bet Jamie doesn´t know that a lot of my friends here know about her, but she sure knows how much I miss my sister.

     Sisters do not have to be related by blood. That is why we have the saying, “Sista from anotha mista!” To be a true sister you only need to follow a few rules. First, always be there when your sister is in need. Second, forgive if you truly love. Third, be close no matter how far apart. And last and most important, prove to your sister that you consider her family.

Jamie, if you are reading this, you are a true sister. 


  1. Thanks for sharing. Good friends are priceless.As a matter of fact, I am going to call my BFF right now!

  2. :) Your memoir is so true, best friends arent friends they are sisters I love how you explained it so well and mentioned Maha and me :D

  3. This is beautiful! I know what you are talking about because I consider my best friends sisters <3:D

  4. Thanks for the sweet comments :)
