An array of neccessities I always "hump" with me:
One of my neccesities is chaptick. I can never remember using chapstick when I lived as a little kid here in Panama, but when I moved to Edmonton, chapstick became my lips' bestfriend during that harsh, dry winter. My lips would crack and I was tempted to bite the dead skin, it was just HORRIBLE! The only thing that made it better was of course chapstick! The thing is that chapstick is not only a neccessity in dry weather anymore; Even in Panama's humid climate, I have to apply it to keep my lips from burning. It it probably a habit that I will never grow out of... actually, my lips are burning as a write this blog entry. BTW... I find the best chapstick is Nivea; its so buttery and moisturizing!
The second item I cannot live without also has to do with change in climate. Since I moved back to Panama about a year ago I started suffering again from dryness, but this time in my eyes. I have speculated that it is the air conditioning that creates the burning sensation, which may also very well be irritating not only my eyes but also my lips. Anyways... I NEED to always have eyedrops with me. I put them on usually in the morning and before going to sleep, but there is also some times when I get these awful spazms in my eyes and the only thing that will make it better is the eyes drops. Currently I use NicoTears, they're nothing special, just artificial tears. But, they're the only ones that seem to do the trick.
The third item I always carry with me isn't in my purse but it is actually a piece of jewelry. This piece is like a safety blanket to me, it evolves over time as well. Before July, it was actually a bracelet of a guardian angel that my aunt had given to me when I was about four or five years old. Unfortunetly, it broke. I managed to save the beads and the charm and plan to put it in a new necklace. But for now, I wear a San Don Bosco pin. A few weeks ago my mother and I went to San Don Bosco's cathedral here in Panama and I reminded her about how my guardian angel had broken and asked her I could get something to look over me. My whole family has great faith in this saint; she bought me the pin and ever since I wear it on my shirt everyday. I have no doubt that my guardian angels and San Don Bosco look over me even if I forget to wear my holy pieces of jewelry, but I like to keep them close anyways.
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